mixhvg - Mixture of Multiple Highly Variable Feature Selection Methods
Highly variable gene selection methods, including popular public available methods, and also the mixture of multiple highly variable gene selection methods, <https://github.com/RuzhangZhao/mixhvg>. Reference: <doi:10.1101/2024.08.25.608519>.
Last updated 11 days ago
4.18 score 5 stars 6 scripts 260 downloadsImmigrate - Iterative Max-Min Entropy Margin-Maximization with Interaction Terms for Feature Selection
Based on large margin principle, this package performs feature selection methods: "IM4E"(Iterative Margin-Maximization under Max-Min Entropy Algorithm); "Immigrate"(Iterative Max-Min Entropy Margin-Maximization with Interaction Terms Algorithm); "BIM"(Boosted version of IMMIGRATE algorithm); "Simba"(Iterative Search Margin Based Algorithm); "LFE"(Local Feature Extraction Algorithm). This package also performs prediction for the above feature selection methods.
Last updated 5 years ago
3.45 score 4 stars 14 scripts 189 downloads